VIS Vienna Shorts opens on May 29th 2018

Austria´s most important international short film festival opens these days. The 15th edition of the festival will offer again a broad spectrum of Austrian and international shorts film productions within a number of competition and special programs. Amongst several premiers and re-dicoveries. the festival line-up

VIS Vienna Shorts opens on May 29th 2018

'Friedl vom Gröller: Close Up' in A Coruña

Friedl vom Gröller: Close-Up is the title of the filmseries dedicated to the artist at the famous film festival Mostra de Cinema Periférico devoted exclusively to experimental film art. The life and time observed in close-up. Not only or not necessarily as a reference to this way of framing, but to the closeness with the observed subject and the nature of the portrait that comes out of it.
Programs: Dietmar Schwärzler, sixpackfilm.

For more information please visit the official website of Mostra de Cinema Periférico

The festival also offers the program Kurt Kren Punk Maths preceded by a lecture of Nicky Hamlyn
more here

'Friedl vom Gröller: Close Up' in A Coruña

Crossing Europe Local Artists Awards

Three films frmo sixpackfilm´s distribution received prizes in the Local Artists secion of this year´s crossing europe filmfestival in Linz. We like to congratulate Fiona Rukschcio (Common Places 2), Leni Gruber (The Snowman) as well as Bernhard Hetzenauer (A God´s Shadow) very much to their awards. Please find more here

Crossing Europe Local Artists Awards

EMAF-Award for IMPERIAL VALLEY by Lukas Marxt

we are happy about the news, that Lukas Marxt received the EMAF Media Art Award of the German Film Critics for his latest short Imperial Valley at Osnabrueck´s European Media Award Festival. Congratulations !
from the jury statement: Lukas Marxt used a recording technology, originally developed for military surveillance flights, to shed light on these dramatic circumstances. He makes us flabbergasted by the concrete form of industrial food production, which is systematically destroying our natural resources. He succeeds in doing something that is a high goal for many who work with visual media: to make the invisible visible.

EMAF-Award for IMPERIAL VALLEY by Lukas Marxt

Retrospective Ruth Beckermann at Arsenal in Berlin

From April 19-30 Berlin´s Kino Arsenal will show a larger retrospective of Austrian documentary filmmaker Ruth Beckermann who has recently been awarded for her latest film The Waldhaim Waltz at Berlinale. Already end of March a smaller selection of Beckermann´s movies could be seen at the long established Martovski Shorts and Doc Film Festival in Belgrade. Schedules for Belgrade and Berlin

Retrospective Ruth Beckermann at Arsenal in Berlin

"Schwitzen" von Iris Blauensteiner als Film des Monats April auf flimmit

Schwitzen : Iris Blauensteiners wunderbar beobachteter Coming-of-age Film um zwei Teenager-Mädchen ist unser Film-des-Monats auf FLIMMIT im April und steht bis Ende des Monats als freier Stream zur Verfügung.
hier gehts direkt dahin

"Schwitzen" von Iris Blauensteiner als Film des Monats April auf flimmit

GUSTAV DEUTSCH - retrospective and cinema release of HOW WE LIVE at MetroKinoKulturhaus Wien

On the occasion of the release of his last film how we live – messages to the family the Austrian Filmarchive is dedicating from April 5 -15, 2018 a larger retrospective to the grand artist Gustav Deutsch at the Metro KinoKulturhaus in Vienna. A rare occasion to revisited some of his masterpieces in presence of the artist. Not to be missed!
Schedule and details here

GUSTAV DEUTSCH - retrospective and cinema release of HOW WE LIVE at MetroKinoKulturhaus Wien

Awards @ Ann Arbor

We are proud and happy and congratulate Sandra Wollner and Anna Vasof to their awards at reknown Ann Arbor Filmfestival: The Impossible Picture received the Lawrence Kasdan Award for Best Narrative Film, When Time Moves Faster the Peter Wilde Award for Most Technically Innovative Film

List of all prize winners.

Awards @ Ann Arbor

"Diagonale-Prize for Innovative Cinema 2018" goes to ★ by Johann Lurf

We are very happy and congratulate Johann Lurf wholeheartedly, award winner of the PRIZE FOR INNOVATIVE CINEMA at the Diagonale 2018 – Festival of Austrian Film in Graz for his outstanding masterpiece !! Read the Jury-statment

"Diagonale-Prize for Innovative Cinema 2018" goes to ★ by Johann Lurf

DASCHNER - Ausstellung in der Neuen Galerie Graz / Studio

Unter dem Namens der Künstlerin als Titel eröffnet im STUDIO der NEUEN GALERIE GRAZ die Ausstellung DASCHNER
U.a. sind darin auch zwei der Videoarbeiten von Katrina Daschner zu sehen: Pferdebusen und Hiding in the Lights
Statt einer üblichen Eröffnung gibt es am 14. März 2018 um 19 Uhr einen offiziellen Empfang im Rahmen der Diagonale’18 mit einem Gespräch zwischen der Künstlerin Katrina Daschner und der Kuratorin Katrin Bucher Trantow. Der Eintritt ist frei!

DASCHNER - Ausstellung in der Neuen Galerie Graz / Studio