3 sixpack-films @ Toronto 2015

We are very proud and happy that sixpackfilm will be represented again with 3 new titles at one of the most prestigous film festivals: Toronto International Film Festival shows as part of its reknown Wavelengths-Section The Exquisite Corpus by Peter Tscherkassky, Time for Outrage! by Friedl von Gröller as well as Björn Kämmerer´s most recent film Navigator as world premiere.

VoD - gratis im August auf flimmit

Sunny Afternoon – Thomas Renoldners humorvoller spielerischer und persönlicher Umgang mit Formen des strukturellen Films und des Musikvideos ist unser Film des Monats August als gratis online-stream bei Flimmit.com Don’t miss it !

Edens Edge wins "Best Feature Animation" at Animator/Poznan

Edens Edge by Gerhard Treml and Leo Calice wins another main award, this time Best Feature Animation at polish Animator – Animated Films Festival in Poznan – Congratulations !!!
to read the Jury-Statement

O QUE RESTA @ Festival del Film Locarno 2015

more than happy to announce the selection of O QUE RESTAWHAT REMAINS into the International Competition Pardi di Domani of upcoming Locarno Film Festival – first screening of O Que Resta: August 12th, 2 pm at La Sala! Check it out !


Wiener Sommerkinos mit reger sixpackfilm-Beteiligung: Einige Empfehlungen:
1. dotdotdot das Open-Air-Kurzfilmevent im Schönbornpark im neuen design. u.a. mit Fokus auf die Künstlerin Fiona Rukschcio am 7. August.
2. Kino unter Sternen am Wiener Karlsplatz, besonders empfohlen 2 Filme von Sebastian Brameshuber am Freitag, 10. Juli sowie Perfect Garden von Mara Mattuschka und Chris Haring am 15. Juli.
3. FRAMEOUT, das Sommer-Open-Air-Festival im MuQua, u.a. mit Livepan – Sasha Pirker und Tough Cookies – Ruth Kaaserer zur Eröffnung am 10. Juli, einer Personale Katrina Daschner am 28. August (in Kooperation mit FC Gloria) und der Wienpremiere von O Que Resta von Jola Wieczorek im Rahmen des ArchitekturFilmSommers am 21. August. Don’t miss!

sixpackfilm @ FID Marseille and Karlovy Vary IFF 2015

Great Presence of Austrian fime from sixpackfilm´s distribution program including several international premieres at upcoming festivals in Marseille and Karlovy Vary. The official selection at FID Marseille includes Pawel & Wawel (K. Kaszmarek), Buildings (J. Hammel), Scenes from a Forst (A. Krautgasser) a well as Exhibition Talks (L. Schreiber; S. Pirker); Karlovy Vary IFF shows Back Track (V. Widrich), Twelve Tales Told (J. Lurf) sowie THE (B. Rosz, D. Kovacic) as part of their Section Imagina. Watch out for them !

Shadow Boxer receives special mention in Edinburgh

Ahmet Simsik received an “Honorable Jury Mention” at Edinburgh Film Festival for his convincing performance in Jannis Lenz´s Shadow Boxer Conratulationen to Ahmet and Jannis !

sixpackfilm @ Annecy Animation Film Festival 2015

With carte noir by Michaela Grill, Moon Blink by Rainer Kohlberger and Uncanny Valley by Paul Wenninger (Worldpremiere) there are three films distributed by sixpackfilm being invited into the international competition of renown Annecy Animation Film Festival (15-20 June 2015). Furtheron out of competition feature length Eden´s Edge by the artist collective O.N.L.S.D.


Kurzfilmprogramm: SCHWITZEN – Best Friends and more? —14. Juni 2015 | 20.00
Kurzfilmprogramm: GINSBERG & BURROUGHS – Beat Generation (kuratiert von Dietmar Schwärzler) — 16. Juni 2015 | 18.00 | jeweils: Top-Kino – Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Wien

Awards for Sebastian Brameshuber and Rainer Kohlberger at VIS 2015

Congratulations to Sebastian Brameshuber for receiving the Award Best Austrian Film at this year’s VIS Vienna Independent Shorts for his Of Stains, Scrap & Tires as well as to Rainer Kohlberger for receiving the ASIFA Austria Award for his ecclectic Moon Blink.
here the list of VIS-awards