Presentation and Panel on "Distribution Models" in Brussels

sixpackfilm has been invited to present its Distribution Model on april 26th in Brussels within an european research project organized by On and For Production
More details

Presentation and Panel on "Distribution Models" in Brussels

Ann Arbor Awards 2019

we happily announce that again several films from sixpackfilm´s distribution program have been amongst prize winners at this year´s Ann Arbor Film Festival: Phantom Ride Phantom by Siegfried Fruhauf received one of the Jury Awards, 60 Elephants. Episodes of a Theory by Sasha Pirker and Michael Klein got the The No Violence Award. At the Horizon by Manuel Knapp and Makino Takashi has been nominated with the Tíos Award for Best International Film and last not least did the Leon Speakers Award for Best Sound Design go to Screen by Matthias Müller und Christoph Giradet. We are overwhelmed ! Congratulationen to all the artists!
List of award-winners

Ann Arbor Awards 2019

Award for "Best Camera" to SHE IS THE OTHER GAZE by Christiana Perschon

Congratulations to Christiana Perschon for receiving Best Camera Documentary for her engaged and beautiful She is the other gaze at this year´s Diagonale – Festival of the Austrian Film.
List of all prizes, winners and jury-statments can be found here
Congratulationen to all other award-winners as well !

Award for "Best Camera" to SHE IS THE OTHER GAZE by Christiana Perschon

"Franz Grabner Preis" an WALDHEIMS WALZER

Der Franz-Grabner-Preis für den besten Kinodokumentarfilm ging heuer an Waldheims Walzer von Ruth Beckermann. Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich! Umfangreiche Retrospektiven der gefeierten österreichischen Regisseurin machen zur Zeit in ganz Europa Station, demnächst in Paris (mahJ) und in Madrid (DocumentaMadrid)

"Franz Grabner Preis" an WALDHEIMS WALZER


The ongoing high number of selected films from Austria at world´s oldest filmfestival dedicated to experimental cinema can be read as indicator for the long-standing high quality of domestic film production: In it´s 56th edition Ann Arbor Filmfestival 2019 will come up with US premiere of Gustav Deutsch´s how we live – messages to the family or Bernhard Hetzenauer´s festival runner A God´s Shadow as well as new works by Anna Vasof or Siegfried Fruhauf and further titles from sixpackfilm´s catalogue. Thank you for the confidence !


ABSCHIED von Ludwig Wüst als FILM DES MONATS MÄRZ auf flimmit (free streaming)

Die Diagonale 2019 widmet ihm ein Spezial und sein neuester Film Aufbruch startet Anfang März in den Kinos: Die Gelegenheit Ludwig Wüsts formal stringent durchkomponiertes Psychodrama Abschied aus dem Jahr 2014 als unseren FILM DES MONATS im März auf flimmit als gratis-stream anzubieten. Hier direkt zum Film
Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit !

ABSCHIED von Ludwig Wüst als FILM DES MONATS MÄRZ auf flimmit (free streaming)

Siegfried Fruhauf erhält den Österreichischen Kunstpreis 2018 in der Kategorie Film

Wir gratulieren dir ganz herzlich, Sigi!
Wir freuen uns, dass Siegfried Fruhauf wohlverdient mit dem diesjährigen Österreichischen Kunstpreis 2018 in der Kategorie Film ausgezeichnet wurde. Die Filme Fruhaufs liefen auf etlichen der wichtigsten internationalen Filmfestivals wie Berlinale, Cannes, Venedig, Sundance, Karlovy Vary und vielen anderen. Seine beiden jüngsten experimentellen Kurzfilme WHERE DO WE GO und Water and Clearing sind demnächst bei der Diagonale in Graz zu sehen.
(* Siegfried Fruhauf, 3.v.r, im Kreise seiner Freund*innen vom ebenfalls ausgezeichneten Kulturverein waschaecht)

Siegfried Fruhauf erhält den Österreichischen Kunstpreis 2018 in der Kategorie Film

Tribute to Gustav Deutsch at Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival 2019

Focussing on two main topics in his cinematographic work, the film archive and the home movie, the extended retrospective at this year´s Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival will include both his famous archival found footage Trilogy “FILM IST” as well as Gustav´s latest film HOW WE LIVEMESSAGES TO THE FAMILY which entirely consists of so called home movie material from the last century to today´s mobile-phone clips of a journey he did. Program details and line-up

Tribute to Gustav Deutsch at Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival 2019

THE IMPOSSIBLE IMAGE and IMPERIAL VALLEY awarded with the "Prize of the German Filmcritics"

Congratulations !!!
Lukas Marxt has been awarded with the Prize of the German Filmcritics for his festival-hit Imperial Valley in the category Experimental Film while Sandra Wollner’s wonderful debutfilm The Impossible Image received the award for Best Fiction and Best Editing (Stephan Bechinger)
List of Winners 2018

THE IMPOSSIBLE IMAGE and IMPERIAL VALLEY awarded with the "Prize of the German Filmcritics"

Berlinale Shorts will show a new film by Rainer Kohlberger

“… and it happened again” !
Once again Berlinale Shorts selected an experimental shortfilm by Rainer Kohlberger into their program. The latest piece by the versatile media artist it has to be lived once and dreamed twice is running for a Golden Bear in the shortfilm competition.

Berlinale Shorts will show a new film by Rainer Kohlberger