The monthly program series "Home Stories" started in November 1998 in cooperation with the Filmcasino in Vienna and was continued from March 2003 as "Home Stories +" in the Topkino. There were - quote from the program folder - "short feature films, documentaries and the avant-garde. Brand new and salvaged treasures from overgrown terrain were shown. The completion of a new, successful festival runner gave rise to a showcase of works and encounters with international productions were sought."
Responsive Eye
Wed May 16, 2007, 19:00 h

Inspired by a painting by the Viennese painter and Op-Art artist Helga Philipp, Kurt Kren produced the film 11/65 Bild Helga Philipp in 1965, which suggests movement effects.

In the same year, the major Op Art exhibition The Responsive Eye took place at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The exhibition caused a sensation on the internatio…

A distant Echo
Wed April 18, 2007, 19:00 h

Odessa, the name of a confiscated cruise ship whose crew has been stranded in the Gulf of Naples for seven years, provides the basic motif for the eponymous "walking film" by Baumann/Kaltner/Fraterno. Accompanied by off-screen logbook entries, two men explore the harbor area of Naples without ultimately being able to grasp it. 
Thomas Bernhard…

Deconstructed Icons
Wed March 14, 2007, 19:00 h

The raw material for their works is mostly found footage. Particularly mythically charged scenes from home movies, westerns or commercials awaken Hiebler/Ertl's desire for artistic attack. Frame by frame, the two film their source material and uncover hidden codes and symbolism. They often work with solarization, which makes the outlines glow and …

Framing Location
Wed Feb. 21, 2007, 19:00 h

Domino (Lotte Schreiber, A 2005, 10 Min.)
Swinging (Michaela Schwenter, A 2006, 8,5 Min.)
CageCar (Bernhard Schreiner, A/D 2005, 4 Min.)
Interstate (Dariusz Kowalski, A 2006, 10 min.)
Frame Story II (SabineBitter/HelmutWeber, A 1997, 4 min.)
mauerpark (stadtmusik, A/D 2007, 17,5 min.)
... as they pass ... (Brigitta Bödenauer, A 2006, 6 min.…

5 factories - worker control in Venezuela
Fri Jan. 19, 2007, 19:00 h

5 factories - worker control in Venezuela (Dario Azzellini/Oliver Ressler, 2006, 81 min.) 

By focusing on the successes achieved so far in the current transformation process, 5 FACTORIES stands out from the majority of Western reporting on Venezuela. This is often fixated on the president and his "populism". (...) The film clearly demonstrat…

Distorted Mirror
Fri Jan. 12, 2007, 20:00 h
Votiv Kino

DISTORTED MIRROR. Every good picture leaves its mark. It digs itself in. This is how history is made. The geology of cinema is no longer just a matter for theorists; the decisive excavation work is now carried out by the practitioners themselves. The avant-garde of the moving image always speaks of the history on which it is based.

Anyone who ven…

Roisz Noisz
Wed Dec. 13, 2006, 19:00 h

Roisz Noisz is a journey through the audiovisual world of video (feedback) artist Billy Roisz. Her works are perception-expanding experiments that impress with their opulent colors and graphic sophistication. Image and sound meet as equal partners and produce an intoxicating maelstrom. Complemented by works by video pioneers Steina & Woody Vas…

Images of Architecture / Architecture of Images
Tue Nov. 7, 2006, 19:00 h

Two authors, one living in Austria and the other in Italy, in confrontation with the same theme: architecture. However, this is not simply documented in their works. In line with the "poetics of Invideo" - one of the best-known Italian video festivals, which presents the program in cooperation with sixpackfilm first in Vienna and then in Milan - t…

I am me
Wed Oct. 11, 2006, 19:00 h

Three films that are also about one's own identity, about the question of what that actually is: "I", and whether this person can be explored for oneself and communicated to others. In her short documentary I am me Kathrin Resetarits observes two pairs of twins with her camera, allowing us to hear and see how very different personalities asse…

Films by Maria Lassnig
Wed Sept. 13, 2006, 19:00 h

"I now stand at the top of the mountain of maturity / and look down on the long valley of life, / but now I feel more cautious than wise, / life gives you no other choice. / It is art yes yes, it makes me younger and younger, / it first makes the spirit hungry and then full."

Maria Lassnig's sung self-portrait "Cantata" (1992), from which these v…