After 25 years of mediation work, sixpackfilm assembles in its collection a rich selection of all genres, represented by more than 1,900 cinematic works, which call out to be shown regularly in various contexts, also in Vienna. One focus of our collection is on the classics of Austrian experimental film, almost all of them are represented. Many of the historical works are now part of the canon of international film or art history and have their permanent place in international cinemas and museums. The reopening of the Metro Kinokulturhaus and the intimate atmosphere of the Eric Pleskow Hall animated sixpackfilm to this long-term cooperation with the Filmarchiv Austria. Short feature films, avant-garde films, animations, cinematic essays, documentaries and much that oscillates between the attributions are to be united in individual programs in the Living Collection sixpackfilm series, not neatly separated according to the usual categorizations. Rather, the focus is on the search for thematic contexts, developments, different ways of looking at things and lines of connection, sometimes also in the context of international filmmaking. Historical and contemporary "classics" meet works by filmmakers who have not yet or no longer received the attention they deserve. Socio-political, social and aesthetic questions interact with purely formal experiments. Radical or actionist performances are combined with surreal stories, commissioned works for trailers or TV with abstract beauties. A lively montage, not a fixation of a history of masterpieces. The unifying element in all the films and videos is their distinctive, idiosyncratic visual grammar. When we offer a personale with works by a filmmaker, a mediated conversation with the artist will introduce their themes and cinematic realization to the audience. Otherwise, the film event will be accompanied by a short introduction every month on a Monday. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
Wondrous everyday world
Mon Jan. 8, 2018, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Hours Minutes Days, Edith Stauber
2017, DCP, 9 min

Sin Dios Ni Santa Maria (Neither God Nor Santa Maria), Samuel M. Delgado, Helena Girón
ES 2015, DCP, 12 min

The Green Bag - Documentary Happens, Tim Sharp
2007, video, 7 min

Hilda, Karin Berghammer
2017, DCP, 49 min

Edith Stauber conjures up an ironic commentary on the passing of time from …

Mon Dec. 4, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Three lucid confrontations with artefacts charged with contemporary and life history: Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński enters into conversation with nameless people depicted in ethnographic photos from the colonial past of today's Democratic Republic of Congo. Klub Zwei uses the Phaidon publishing house to illuminate a chapter in Austrian publishing and ex…

We Are Familiy
Mon Nov. 6, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

In "We are family", three wonderful films portray relationships, role attributions and the resulting conflicts and great emotions. The son has left his father's farm to study in the city: firn tells the story of someone who moved out and wants to stay in touch. Karin Berger humorously condenses 25 years as a single mother of a daughter into the pa…

Mon Oct. 2, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

The desire for knowledge was a driving force behind Eadweard Muybridge's (animal) movement studies and thus the birth of chronophotography as a precursor to cinema. Animals have always been protagonists in film, even in its experimental manifestations: as strange creatures, as objects of study and as mirrors for man's own bestiality. A programme o…

Exzess pur. Experimentelle Melodramen
Mon June 5, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

As in the great melos of feature film, this programme is also about spectacular impressions and an atmosphere of concentrated or clearly suppressed emotion. The focus is on the creation of an atmospheric space that can be compared to the subconscious, the sphere of our fundamental desires, prohibitions and fears. I dare say that experimental film …

Home Movies
Mon May 1, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Due to their subjective view of reality, which consists of fragments of ordinary life, home movies sometimes provide an astonishing insight into social and political contexts. For over 20 years, Henry Hills collected fleeting moments of his holidays in the log cabin, his family and friends. Judith Zdesar gives a video camera to young soldiers on B…

In Person: Miriam Bajtala
Mon April 3, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Since her first videos, Miriam Bajtala has combined performance with fundamental questions of the filmic image and its temporal and structural dimensions. In five of the programmed works, she is also the performer herself, playfully engaging in a dialogue with the camera: In doing so, she literally falls out of the frame or evades the image throug…

Expose the racists
Mon March 6, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

The programme underpins Hito Steyerl's thesis, which has become a terrible fact, that the "integration of popular racism" has arrived in the social and political mainstream. In short video pieces, Normality tells of anti-Semitic and racist attacks in Germany and Austria and calls for protest against this violence. Johanna Moder explores the common…

Playing field
Mon Feb. 6, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Josef Dabernig usually sets the action in a dying place: this time a hotel near Bratislava. The absurd juxtaposition of two worlds of war games meets there: that of the children with old-fashioned, home-made rockets and that of the parents on two laptops. Siegfried Fruhauf used his invitation to Cannes to symbolically condense 800 photos taken the…

Love Letters
Mon Jan. 2, 2017, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Cinematic declarations of love at the beginning of the year. The thing that supposedly keeps the world turning is surprisingly little represented in experimental short film. A programme about tingling in the stomach, longing and fulfilment, the intertwining of intimacy and political struggle, about tenderness and desire as well as "strange love" i…