After 25 years of mediation work, sixpackfilm assembles in its collection a rich selection of all genres, represented by more than 1,900 cinematic works, which call out to be shown regularly in various contexts, also in Vienna. One focus of our collection is on the classics of Austrian experimental film, almost all of them are represented. Many of the historical works are now part of the canon of international film or art history and have their permanent place in international cinemas and museums. The reopening of the Metro Kinokulturhaus and the intimate atmosphere of the Eric Pleskow Hall animated sixpackfilm to this long-term cooperation with the Filmarchiv Austria. Short feature films, avant-garde films, animations, cinematic essays, documentaries and much that oscillates between the attributions are to be united in individual programs in the Living Collection sixpackfilm series, not neatly separated according to the usual categorizations. Rather, the focus is on the search for thematic contexts, developments, different ways of looking at things and lines of connection, sometimes also in the context of international filmmaking. Historical and contemporary "classics" meet works by filmmakers who have not yet or no longer received the attention they deserve. Socio-political, social and aesthetic questions interact with purely formal experiments. Radical or actionist performances are combined with surreal stories, commissioned works for trailers or TV with abstract beauties. A lively montage, not a fixation of a history of masterpieces. The unifying element in all the films and videos is their distinctive, idiosyncratic visual grammar. When we offer a personale with works by a filmmaker, a mediated conversation with the artist will introduce their themes and cinematic realization to the audience. Otherwise, the film event will be accompanied by a short introduction every month on a Monday. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
Blank Spaces
Mon March 9, 2020, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Empty studio spaces and courtyards in a council block as the projection surface of an acoustic western shoot-out; charged atmospheric images as the enigmatic set pieces of a possible thriller; a protagonist abandoned on the Croatian Riviera in the off-season; the parallel presentation of two unconnected stories from off-screen and on-screen; the w…

In Music We Trust
Mon Feb. 10, 2020, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Angela Christlieb und Dieter Kovačič haben Dokumentarfilme über ausgeprägte Musikerpersönlichkeiten geschaffen. Beide finden sie auch die filmische Entsprechung für den nerdigen, kompromisslosen Charakter der Musiker und ihrer Kompositionen. In In Trout We Dust – so heißt tatsächlich ein Stück der beiden K…

Living - utopia and reality [IN PERSON Heidrun Holzfeind]
Mon Jan. 13, 2020, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Heidrun Holzfeind's work is characterised by an interest in social utopian architectures and their examination through interviews with the residents. In doing so, she carefully works out both the spatial conditions and the needs of the people, their everyday lives, their frustrations and the sense of community in the apartment block. Za Żelazną Br…

Junges Kino von Frauen*
Mon Dec. 9, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

In the last two years, young female directors in particular have attracted attention with exciting works. In their cinematic narratives, they present female characters who act and react according to their generation and for whom gender norms and cultural attributions are at most worth questioning or melancholy contemplation. Without larmoyance and…

Mon Nov. 11, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Monsters are a rare species in avant-garde film, whereas in commercial cinema they are standard archetypal characters. As part of the programme, two recent computer-based works by Rainer Kohlberger and Klaus Schuster will be combined with older works that reveal very different approaches to the subject. Kohlberger's brilliant science fiction is ba…

The camera, me, myself and I and some of the others. Selfies in the analogue age
Mon Oct. 14, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Selfie culture is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the digital age. The popularised pose in front of one's own camera serves as a kind of permanent self-assurance, usually paired with the need to communicate and economic marketability. Acting in front of the camera or performative self-presentation has always been part of artistic film practice and this…

Mon June 3, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Psychedelic music visualisation has its origins in the light shows of the 1960s and goes back to the tradition of early visual musicians such as Hans Richter, Oskar Fischinger and Harry Smith. Like contemporary video artists, they believed that cinematography should depict shapes and surfaces with their inherent atmospheric content. The use of sim…

In Person: Astrid Ofner
Mon May 6, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

In recent years, Astrid Ofner has established her reputation as a sensitive and very precise filmmaker with her documentary essays based on literary works. Less well known, however, are the two works from 1993 that will be presented on this evening and whose settings could not be more contrasting - or complementary: Ins Leere leads into the world …

Perform, Perform
Mon April 8, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Performance art is still booming as a form of artistic expression. The art genre not only combines all disciplines from theatre, dance, actionism, film and even painting to pop culture, it also makes it possible to bring together subjective experiences and socio-political issues. The performance space is often the place where gender issues are neg…

Mon March 4, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Geographically, the word Region defines the "opposite area" - with this physical separation from the viewing subject, the word "region" is thus also always inherently foreign. Experimental film has a long tradition of dealing with landscape in a wide variety of aesthetic approaches. In the present films, too, (rural) areas are created, experienced…