The great Illusion

Wed Feb. 25, 2009, 19:00 h

Illusion-factory Cinema takes a look behind the scenes. Michaela Schwentner condenses a well-known French melodrama with dream-like sequences. Twelve action-packed feature film scenes run in parallel in Johann Lurf's work, revealing their dramaturgical structure. Mara Mattuschka plays the opera diva with dedication and also her old mother with wonderful powers of transformation.
Modern cinema also constructs the female subject, even if skepticism towards the representation of authentic emotion is already inscribed in it.
On the film set of X LOVE SCENES, love scenes are rehearsed and shot with quotes from Antonioni, Godard or Tarkovsky, which only have the woman's reactions in the picture. A loop of failure, repetition and confrontation. A "film within a film": Constanze Ruhm interweaves questions of the female psyche, cinema and hierarchies while working on a feature film with a great will to form. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)

la petite illusion (Michaela Schwentner, 2006, 4 min.)
(Untitled) (Johann Lurf, 2004, 3 min.)
Comeback (Mara Mattuschka, 2005, 14 min.)
X LOVE SCENES (Constanze Ruhm, 2007, 58 min.)

im Anschluss an die Vorführung Gespräch mit den Filmemacher:innen

ein Programm von sixpackfilm
