5 factories - worker control in Venezuela
5 factories - worker control in Venezuela (Dario Azzellini/Oliver Ressler, 2006, 81 min.)
By focusing on the successes achieved so far in the current transformation process, 5 FACTORIES stands out from the majority of Western reporting on Venezuela. This is often fixated on the president and his "populism". (...) The film clearly demonstrates that these polemics completely miss the reality on the ground. Unlike small communist parties in German-speaking countries, the filmmakers do not celebrate the president, if anything, but the social transformations he has helped make possible. (...) Who would have thought it possible that in the post-industrial age, anti-capitalist organization in and of factories works? The amazement at the happy workers is thanks to this film. (Jens Kastner, springerin)
Eine Veranstaltung von sixpackfilm in Kooperation mit „Hände weg von Venezuela“
Anschließend an die Filmvorführung findet ein Gespräch mit dem Filmemacher Oliver Ressler und Axel Magnus (Aktivist „Hände weg von Venezuela", Betriebsrat im Sozialbereich) statt.
Moderation Ramón Reichert