Thu Aug. 8, 2019, 21:00 h
Kurzfilmfestival dotdotdot, Volkskundemuseum Wien

The open-air short film festival dotdotdot presents a personal exhibition on Linz filmmaker EDITH STAUBER at the Volkskundemuseum Vienna on August 8, 2019.

From the outdoor pool to the emergency room, from the church pew to the sofa, from the everyday to the extraordinary: In her miniatures at the interface between film, drawing and painting, Linz-based artist Edith Stauber (*1968) takes a humorously empathetic and sometimes self-deprecating look at everyday life and interpersonal relationships with an unerring sense for snapshots and details that are all too easily overlooked.

Das Open Air Kurzfilmfestival dotdotdot präsentiert am 8.8.2019 im Volkskundemuseum Wien eine Personale zur Linzer Filmemacherin EDITH STAUBER. 
