Focus on Infinity

Focus on Infinity is a cinematic journey to the places, people and machines that are involved in exploring the origin of our cosmos and of our existence. It is a very personal and intuitive investigation into the roots and boundaries of our imagination dominated by sensual perception. Not unlike an adventure, the film dares to voyage into the unknown, to the structures of our intellectual capacity and drive to explore. It focuses on the restlessness that characterizes the natural sciences, which drives research with increasing technological advancement and financial resources, and underpins the never-ending human ambition to fully understand our world.

(Michael Pekler)

„The more understandable the universe becomes to us, the more meaningless it gets. However, if the fruits of our research can’t give us comfort, at least we will find some encouragement in research itself. The ambition to understand the universe lifts human life a little bit above a farce and gives it a hint of tragic dignity.“

(Steven Weinberg)

The question concerning the origin of our cosmos and our existence has moved humanity for thousands of years. Where do we come from, what are we and where do we go? Looking for answers to these questions, scientists dig deep into the dimensions of our thoughts - to the limits of our imagination. Mathematics and Physics reached a certain degree of abstraction, not absolutely comprehensible for laypersons. 

What is keeping the innermost of the world together - creation or evolution?
 Theories and conclusions of natural science make you think about the purpose of live. Rational thinking rises to a new challenge: It gets confronted with an intellectual world that only philosophers and theologians seem to have known so far. Conversely, belief needs to deal with questions regarding the scientific background of creation.
Enormous telescopes in the desert, supercomputers and gigantic particle accelerators: No effort is too much to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of human beings - to finally understand the secret of infinity. Focus on Infinity is a cinematic journey to people, machines and places that are connected with the exploration of the origin of our universe and our existence. Allowing an insight into the life and thoughts of scientists, this film will bring up questions, that are important to modern cosmology and quantum physics.

Orig. Title
Focus on Infinity
80 min
Joerg Burger
Orig. Language
Mandinka, Spanish
English, french
Joerg Burger
Rudolf Pototschnig, Jim Howard
Joerg Burger
Georg Misch
Joerg Burger, Gökce Ince
Sebastian Brameshuber, Gökce Ince, Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson
Sound Design
Joerg Burger
Joerg Burger Filmproduktion, Mischief Filmproduktion
Executive Producer
Georg Misch, Ralph Wieser, Joerg Burger
Production Manager
David Bohun
Available Formats
DCP 2K flat (Distribution Copy)
Aspect Ratio
Sound Format
Dolby digital
Color Format
Blu-ray (Distribution Copy)
Aspect Ratio
Sound Format
Dolby 5.1.
Frame Rate
25 fps
Color Format
Digital File (prores, h264) (Distribution Copy)
Festivals (Selection)
Graz - Diagonale, Festival des Österreichischen Films
Toronto - Hot Docs
Leuven - DocVille Festival
Leipzig - Dok Leipzig - Int. Festival für Dok.- u. Animationsfilm
Jihlava Documentary Film Festival
Paris - Pariscience
Melbourne - Int. Film Festival
Victoria - Antimatter Underground Film Festival
Moskow Science Film Festival
Brooklyn - Imagine Science Films
Jihlava - East Silver Market
Amsterdam - IDFA, Int. Documentary Filmfestival
Warsaw - Docs Against Gravity Film Festival
Bydgoszcz - Camera Image Festival of the Art of Cinema
Chicago Underground Film Festival (Honorable Mention for Astonishing Photography and Locations)